The Future Migration in South Asia
DAY 2 | 21 March
09:00-10:30 GMT+5:45

When taking place in conditions that respect, protect and fulfil human rights, migration can be a powerful engine of sustainable development for migrants, their communities, and the countries between which they move. Migration fills labour market gaps, develops and transfers skills, and brings financial empowerment through remittances. While labour migration is a key phenomenon in South Asia, people in the region also cross borders to be united with their families, study, seek safety, or due to slow- and sudden-onset effects of climate change, among other reasons. The complexity of migration in the region requires all stakeholders, especially governments and businesses, to continue and strengthen their efforts to monitor changes and opportunities and respond to human rights risks.
Session Description
This session intends to explore the shifting dynamics of migration in South Asia, identify the drivers behind these economic, social, technological, and environmental trends and changes, analyze how risks and vulnerabilities faced by migrants have evolved in parallel, and recommend measures to protect their human rights. The session will explore policy options for migration that is safe, dignified and sustainable and protects the human rights of migrants.
Session Objectives
To understand the human rights risks, including labour rights risks, that migrants facing in South Asia context; and how these could jeopardize migration’s positive outcoms;
To explore practical and actionable solutions that governments and businesse can take to create a inclusive future for migrants;
To recommend roles and responsibilities of relevant stakeholder groups in promoting safe, dignified and sustainable migration in a rights-based manner.