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1st UN South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights
New Delhi, India | 14-15 March 2019
Setting the tone for South Asia on business and human rights
The inaugural South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights – held 14-15 March 2019 in New Delhi, India – was the first event of its kind in South Asia. It raised awareness about business and human rights issues in South Asia and facilitated the implementation of the UNGPs, including through the development of national action plans on business and human rights.
It brought together governments, civil society, academia, and other social actors to explore collaborative action to mitigate the adverse impact of their activities on human rights and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in South Asia.
Issues Covered

Main plenary sessions
Inaugural session
Business and human rights in South Asia: Progress, challenges and opportunities
Developing a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights: What does it take?
Why do companies care about human rights?
Fostering decent work opportunities for migrant workers
Addressing human rights impact in supply chains
Impact of purchasing practices on workers’ rights
Broadening civil society spaces (focus on Empowering/enabling Human Rights Defenders)
Innovation lab
Confronting the climate emergency
Sustaining sustainable development
Business and child rights
The role of business in achieving substantive gender equality: Beyond diversity and inclusion
Implementing the UN Guiding Principles in South Asia: The way forward​
Trainings, consultations and safe space sessions
Dialogue with Civil Society Organizations (safe space)
Peer-Learning among National Human Rights Institutions (safe space)
The ABCs of United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Introduction to UN Guiding Principles
Gender consultation for the UNDP gender casebook
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